By Piet Spaans (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Piet Spaans (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons

German Carp

Alternative Names: Common carp

Monterey Bay Recommendation: Seafoodwatch says to take a pass on carp unless it's eco-certified by Naturland. This is probably because farmed carp can escape and cause damage. If you catch one and want to eat it, go wild. You'll be doing a good thing.

Uses in Cooking: Carp are highly regarded for fishing and food in the UK, but are not often eaten in the US. When they do reach the dinner table in the US, they are typically fried in cornmeal or pressure cooked until they are similar to canned tuna.

Similar Fish: Catfish, Lake trout, Tilapia

Description: Carp have a bad reputation for tasting muddy, but that is undeserved. Properly handled carp that have been quickly iced and processed without undue stress are clean tasting with moderately oily, firm flesh.

Fun Facts: Carp fishing is so popular in the UK that they have several monthly magazines on the topic, including Carpology and Carpworld.