By USA NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By USA NOAA Fisheries Southwest Fisheries Science Center [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


Alternative Names: Moonfish

Monterey Bay Recommendation: Look for other "Best Choice" seafood options first. If none are available, opah ("aka manbou" in sushi) caught in Hawaii and California is a "Good Alternative" because there's less bycatch compared to international sources. Take a pass on imported opah.

Uses in Cooking: This fish can be steamed, sauteed, fried, grilled, or broiled. It should be served about medium rare as it can dry out.

Similar Fish: There is nothing like an Opah.

Description: These fish are huge and the meat can vary in texture and flavor when chosen from different regions of the fish. The meat is white to salmon pink when raw and cooks to white or brown. It has large flakes, but breaks without regard for them. It has high oil and fat content and a unique pronounced flavor that is usually quite pleasing.

Fun Facts: This wacky animal, which looks like it was designed by Doctor Suess is the only truly warm blooded fish.