By Jlikes2Fish (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

By Jlikes2Fish (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Pacific Halibut

Alternative Names: Hirame

Monterey Bay Recommendation: Longline Caught Pacific Halibut from the US or Canada is MSC certified.

Uses in Cooking: Halibut is incredibly versatile and can be cooked using virtually any method, although it is less common in sushi and is not a great choice for smoking.

Similar Fish:  California halibut, gulf flounder, white seabass

Description: The bright white flesh is meaty and firm with long fibers that stand up well to high heat. It contains less oil than similar fish and can quickly dry out, so short cook times are critical especially for frozen fish. Flavor is mild, but interesting.

Fun Facts: Flatfish can be right or left eyed, describing which side their eyes end up on when they are mature. Pacific Halibut are right eyed fish. The top side is the color of the ocean floor. Their undersides are pale white, to look like the sky when viewed from below.